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Exhibitions of national caliber and regional distinction in the first LEED Gold certified Art Museum in the world, featuring Friday Night live music, cash bar and dinner options. Exhibits include: Calder Jewelry, Selections from the Photography Collection, GRAM Centennial History Exhibition: 100 Years Art-Legacy-Vision plus Opening Night reception for Side by Side: Matthias Alten and Norman Chamberlain. http://www.artmuseumgr.org
Kendall College of Art and Design
Ethan Murrow: Drawings and Video
Murrow's work includes large-scale narrative graphite drawings and several short films including "Dust", which is an official selection of the 46th annual New York Film Festival
24 Fountain St. ne -Fountain Street Church (EcoAction Expo)
To celebrate Earth Week, the West Michigan Environmental Action council and the Social Action Committee of Fountain Street Church is hosing the EcoAction Expo & Triple Top Line Awards. Tickets are $20.00
11 Jefferson Ave.- 4:1 a graphic design show on perception
Featuring the graduate work of artists Gina Caratelli, Andrea Colf, Jessica Hardy, Matt Slenk and Anna Williams. until 10 pm
54 Jefferson Ave.-Michigan Land Of Riches
Re-examine the old Grand Rapids Public Museum for the first time in 16 years though the site-specific projects of students, faculty and alumni from 6 Michigan universities.
904 Sheldon - West Michigan Center for Art and Technology
Featuring work by Art Peers and WMCAT Staff. Artists include Christy Beckwith, Rick Beerhorst, Aneka Ingold, Joel Howell, Michelle Pittman, Chloe Viening-Butler, Joe Krajkiewcz, Paul Asselin, Sara Bakker, Mei Chow, Violet Whitaker, Dave Johnson and Lina Unlimited
http://www.wmcat.org and http://www.artpeers.org
41 Sheldon Blvd. – Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts (UICA)
Six exhibitions, showcasing the work of Christopher Gauthier, Nicola Vruwink, Margarida Correia, Casey McGuire, Wendy Kawabata, and the group show dis.place.ment. dis.place.ment is a collection of 31 works considering emotional or physical displacement in a broader spatial, social, economic, or political context. UICA will also feature a one night only installation by local artist Chris Fox.
10 Weston- Bohemia Too
Recent Works in metal and pastel, refreshments provided as well as 20% off storewide on non sale items. http://www.littlebohemiaonline.com/
42 S. Division- Gooodwood Design
New porcelain pieces for sale by OOM Studio/artist Hyun Yoo and new furniture designs by Garrett Brooks. http://www.goodwooddesign.com and http://www.oom.bigcartel.com
48 S. Division- Heartside Gallery
Featuring Heartside community artists creating folk and intuitive art, weavings, pottery, quilts and more, All new Art!
Hours: 6pm – 10pm http://www.Heartside.org
43 S. Division- Pub 43
Paintings by local Artist Tim Fisher
120 S. Division- Temporary Gallery
Square Peg Events presents a multiple media range of fine artists from the emerging to the established exhibiting their works of art. Join us for Live performances! Casual, warm, fun.
To find out more about how to lease commercial space in Heartside visit http://www.dwellingplacegr.org
71 S. Division- Mos Eisleys
Stop by and check out designs by local award winning tattoo artists! http://www.moseisleys.com
115 S. Division- The DAAC
Trimmings-Art for the Facialite: a collective show featuring local artists. http://www.thedaac.org
117 S. Division- Scavenger Hunt
An exceptional selection of vintage, clothing and unique wardrobe pieces, stop in to find out more about their in-store salon. http://www.scavengerhuntclothing.com
129 S. Division - Vertigo Music
Stop in for the beginning of Record Store Day celebration. With 20% off of used CDs Vertigo’s collection of music includes vinyl, CDs both new and used. Join them on Saturday for National Record Store Day! http://www.vertigomusiconline.com
133 S. Division- Take Hold Church
Take Hold Church: will exhibit art from local artists, serve hot/cold drinks and snacks, and provide an open space for reflection and prayer. http://www.takeholdchurch.org
133 S. Division- Mixed Tape
Musical performances by Wilson, Versus The Ocean, Come Find The Lion & Pandora 6:30 PM - $8 Day Of -All Ages Welcome http://www.mixtapecafe.com/
139 S. Division- All City Kicks
Stop in to check out artwork as well as the spring sneaker collection and cool new seasonal clothing http://www.allcitykicks.net
106 S. Division- (106) Gallery
Calvin College Bachelor of Fine Arts exhibitions including large scale paintings, mixed media, and installations; featuring the work of Kristin McHugh and Stephen Clark Open from 6-10pm http://calvin.edu/centerartgallery/106southdivision
106 S. Division- the L Loft Unit 215- Second Floor
New Watercolors a collection of recent watercolor paintings/studies by Derrick Hollowell (HopCat Brewery/ Mary Free Bed Hospital/ Metro-East Hospital) http://www.myspace/hollowellart
120 S. Division- Temporary Gallery
Art patrons will be able to view multiple large-scale video art pieces from artist Sean J. Kenny.
To find out more about how to lease commercial space in Heartside visit http://www.dwellingplacegr.org
120 S. Division- Unit 124- Mustache Gallery A new show by artist Erwin Erkfitz entitled "The Ancestrals" a collection of our unknown Ancestry. Hosted by DJ Josh Brewer and Artist Amy Van Elsacker
120 S. Division- Unit 224- Second Floor Randall A. Gornowich of Randallart Studio: Photography and Art in a Space to Create and Live presents Photographs, Paintings, Sculptures and Wearable Creations
120 S. Division- Unit 126- Imagination Creations
Recycled, reused and vintage goods! Featuring the work of artist and hairstylist Heather McGartland
120 S. Division- Unit 226- Mexicains Sans Frontieres
Art Peers Artists (with After Party Art Peers/Litribune) Mexicains Sans Frontieres is a multimedia studio operated by Hugo Claudin promoting cutting edge music and art. http://www.myspace.com/mexicainssansfrontieres
140 S. Division- Sanctuary Folk Art
The largest collection of folk and intuitive at in Grand Rapids with a new show "everything else is redundant" http://www.myspace.com/sanctuaryfolkart
235 S. Division- Unit 111- Vision Beyond Art
Live glass blowing and assorted local artists featuring glasswork and paintings by Joe Sherry
235 S. Division- Unit 112- Open Source
Live and local music by the Winter Sessions, oil and acrylic paintings by Amy Lindholm and Erika Pappas, blown glass art, intrigue, and mystery by joe sherry's mustache
Featuring the work of Kendall Graduate Students
Artwork by 20 local Grand Valley State University and Kendall College of Art and Design Students. To find out more about how to lease commercial space in Heartside visit http://www.dwellingplacegr.org
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