The Society of Publication Designers serves the community of editorial art directors, photo editors and designers. Each year, SPD sponsors a publication design competition that recognizes the best work done by professionals for magazines, newspapers and online publications. Winning entries are published in the Society's hardcover Publication Design Annual -- again this year, photography students have the opportunity to be part of this world-class competition, and to have the chance for an incredible number of potential future employers see their work in the SPD Annual. Not to mention: the chance for some amazing prizes!
We know time is tight (it is for everyone!) so the Competition Chair, Catherine Talese has made this enticing, and easy: First, Second and Third Place winners will be honored with an Award of Excellence and an invitation to SPD's Annual Awards Gala on May 7th in New York City. Winning entries will appear in Pub 45, SPD's upcoming hardcover Annual. Even better, there's more: we want to help students get off on the right foot, career-wise, so to that end, the First, Second and Third Place winners will also receive...
First Prize
• Nikon D300S camera and Nikkor 18-55mm lens. Valued at $2,155
• Barnstorm XXII, The Eddie Adams Workshop. Guaranteed placement & housing at the 4 day rigorous workshop with the best in photojournalism today. October 8-11, 2010.
• Adobe CS4 Design Premium. Fully loaded. Valued at $1,800
• A one year subscription to Aperture, American Photo, and Photo District News.
Second Prize
• Portfolio review with Stephen Mayes, Managing Director at VII Photo Agency.
• Adobe CS4 Design Standard. For the Pros. Valued at $1,400
• A one year subscription to Aperture, American Photo, and Photo District News.
Third Prize
• Summer Internship at Magnum Photos.
• Adobe CS4 Design Standard. For the Pros. Valued at $1,400
• A one year subscription to Aperture, American Photo, and Photo District News.
What should you do next? Make note of the deadline, and Download the PDF containing this year's poster with the rules and prizes here, and the PDF entry form here.
DEADLINE: Monday, March 29, 2010
QUESTIONS? Send them to photos@spd.org
It's all just a few clicks away! Fame, glory, software, hardware and more!
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