Portfolio Showcase, Volume 4
Book and Online Exhibition
Deadline: October 27, 2009
Fifteen photographers will be chosen to display their
twelve-image portfolio in The Center for Fine Art Photography’s Portfolio ShowCase Volume 4: Book and Online Exhibition. The show will be featured on the Center’s web site at www.c4fap.org from January 5 – May 1, 2010 and will remain online for the next two years.
Theme: Open - There is no theme for this exhibition.
The images will be evaluated as a cohesive body of work, rather than individual images.
The Center for Fine Art Photography invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate in this exhibition. Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative and experimental works that include old and new processes, mixed techniques, and challenging personal, emotional or political statements are welcome. The exhibition is open world wide to all professional and amateur photographers working with digital or traditional photography or combinations of both.
Juror: Katherine Ware is Curator of Photography at the New Mexico Museum of Art in Santa Fe. She previously served as Curator of Photographs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where she served as curator and author of Elemental Landscapes: Photographs by Harry Callahan. Ms. Ware served as Assistant Curator in the Department of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museum during the 1990s and organized the traveling exhibitions including, A Practical Dreamer: The Photographs of Man Ray. She has also worked with the photography collection at the Oakland Museum of California and began her career at the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in Washington, D.C. She is a frequent juror and reviewer of contemporary photography and has written essays on the art of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
This exhibition provides opportunities for artists to be published, and present their work to an international audience of collectors, curators, art consultants and others who appreciate photography.
* Juror’s Selection – Book Cover Award: The Juror will select one portfolio to be the first presented in the publication Portfolio ShowCase Volume 4, with one of the artist’s images selected for the cover.
* Exhibition Award: One photographer will be chosen to display their portfolio in the Center’s physical gallery. (Please note that the images for this award will be exhibited within 16x20 mats and put behind glass while on display)
* All fifteen selected portfolios will be featured in the Portfolio ShowCase Volume 4 which will include the artists’ portraits, statements and contact information. Each artist will receive one complimentary book, with the option to purchase additional books. The book will include an introduction by the Juror.
* All fifteen selected artists will be featured on the Center's web site in January 2010, as well as for an additional two years in the Center’s Previous Exhibitions section.
* All fifteen photographers will receive a 1-year subscription to Artists’ ShowCase Online, the Center’s online image marketing website (preview at www.artists-showcase.org).
Entry Fee:
* The entry fee for this call for entry is $65.00 for Members and $85.00 for Non-Members for the first body of work (12 images). Each additional portfolio, regardless of membership, is $85.00
* There is no limit on the number of portfolios that may be submitted.
Please retain for your information until after announcement of the jury selection.
Download instructions for submitting your work online.
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