Monday, January 18, 2010

Scholarship Opportunities

There are several School of Communications Scholarships available for our students. The link to the School of Communications website is:

This email is to ask your assistance in sharing the information with our students and to alert you to the ones that have specific deadlines this semester.

I have attached the School of Communications scholarship application in this email. The Deadline is February 1st by 5:00 pm.

Additional Scholarships are:

The Calder Scholarship:

The deadline is in March, however this scholarship requires faculty nominations for students completing their third year and preparation on the students' part. Please review the criteria for this soon.

The William J & Margaret G. Branstrom Fund Award for partial tuition for Film/Video and Photography students. This is selection by the faculty.

The Dr. Margaret Proctor School of Communications Scholarship:

"This is intended for benefit School of Communications students who write in a vivid, direct and unique voice. It is designed especially with fiction-writing in mind, which includes writing for film and theater."

Deadline is March 1st. Forms will be available in the SoC office shortly.

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