Tuesday, November 17, 2009
CAA Mentoring Sessions for Students

This year’s College Art Association conference hosts an unprecedented amount of Professional Development workshops and Mentoring Sessions for Students, Emerging Artists and Arts Professionals. The Student and Emerging Professionals lounge offers additional opportunities for students and recent graduates to meet and network with peers and other professionals in their extended community. The Early Registration deadline for the 2010 Conference in Chicago is growing near. Click on the flyer image to enlarge and/or print.
For more information, contact:
Bradford Nordeen
212-691-1051 ext. 252 V
Washington, D.C. - J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism at American University has received a $200,000 grant from the McCormick Foundation to fund eight women-led start-ups over the next two years that will generate new ideas in the world of news and information and model a spirit of journalistic entrepreneurship.
The grant also supports annual New Media Women Entrepreneurs Summits. The first summit, to be held Monday, Nov. 9, in Washington, D.C., will provide a forum for women launching innovative news projects to meet and exchange ideas. During the summit, J-Lab will release new research about women news creators and news consumers. See the agenda and register here: http://www.newmediawomen.org/events/register/
Under the new grant, a total of eight winners (four in 2010 and four in 2011) will be given $12,000 each in funding to launch their ideas and to blog about the process during the first year of their projects. The deadline for next year’s proposals is April 12, 2010. See guidelines and applications here: http://www.newmediawomen.org/site/proposal_guidelines/
The funding is part of a unique initiative to address issues of opportunity and innovation, recruitment and retention for women in journalism. Under the initial support from the McCormick Foundation, six projects have been funded and three have launched. See them at www.newmediawomen.org.
The new grant from the McCormick Foundation:
- Provides a $12,000 award for each of eight women to launch their new ideas. Four winners will be chosen in 2010 and another four in 2011.
- Honors a New Media Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in an awards program.
- Produces a day-long annual summit to showcase the work of women media entrepreneurs.
- Collects ideas, research and more at www.newmediawomen.org.
“Our new research is giving us important insights into how women news creators are redefining and shaping the news of the future,” said Jan Schaffer, executive director of J-Lab, which administers the project.
“We are pleased to work with J-Lab to recognize the most innovative and entrepreneurial media projects created by women journalists,” said Clark Bell, the McCormick Foundation’s journalism program director. “The expansion of this initiative reflects the interest, need and demand for promising new ideas.”
Eligible to apply for NMWE funding are new Web sites, mobile news services or other ideas that offer interactive opportunities to engage, inspire and improve news and information locally, nationally or among a community of interest. These can be solo ideas or team projects headed by women.
NMWE seeks to map the creative assets of women, validate ideas, and help newsrooms take some cues from big business, where top companies are disproportionately tapping women to develop creative, consumer-oriented cultures.
Check out existing research, suggest new research, nominate award winners and read the funding guidelines at www.newmediawomen.org.
The McCormick New Media Women Entrepreneurs initiative is a project of J-Lab, a center of American University’s School of Communication. J-Lab helps news organizations and citizens use new media technologies to create fresh ways for people to participate in public life. It also administers the Knight-Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism, the Knight Citizen News Network and the New Voices community media grant program.
The McCormick Foundation supports free, vigorous and diverse news media that provide citizens the vital information they need to make reasoned decisions in a democracy. The Journalism Program supports non-profit initiatives that enhance news content, build audiences and protect the rights of journalists.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Kelli Connell @ Kendall Gallery
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Greg Ceo (SCAD Prof.) on become a P.A.
Every week I get phone calls and emails from assistants wanting to work on my crew. Those that call wanting to be assistants I ask one short question:
“Do you see yourself as a 1st assistant or a 2nd or 3rd?”
Some reply , “1st.” Then I say that I already have my 1st, and I typically ask my 1st who he/she would like to hire a 2nd or 3rd. If my 1st does not have anyone in mind, or all his/her choices are booked, I move on and ask my producer. On rare occasions I have had assistants come into the studio and meet with me and the next day or two I had a shoot and they got hired. I have never hired a first assistant this way. 1st assistants always come through recommendations from other people I really trust, or from a former 2nd stepping up to the plate.
If you are looking for work as an assistant I recommend the following:
Meet all the other 1st assistants out there that you can, as these are the people who will hire you, not the photographer.
Next, meet all the Producers for still imagery you can.
If you are just starting out in the field, try your best to work at a studio rental house such as Milk or Industria or any number of other studios at there in large cities. That way you will meet other assistants, producers and photographers in the field. You may also find your way on-set, learn gear and shoot protocol.
I will post some interviews from newbie assistants in the filed who are out there pounding the pavement on my blog at www.gregceoblog.com
PDNedu Student Photo Contest

Get your entries in to the PDNedu Student Photo Contest 2010 before the December 7th deadline!
Even if you don't intend to enter, you can vote for your fellow GVSU photo majors in the People's Choice category. Click HERE to see the entries.
If you are a GVSU photography major and have entered the contest, leave a comment with your name so people can look for your entries.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Photographer's Forum | 30th Annual College Photography Contest
30th Annual College Photography Contest Sponsored by NIKON FINAL Entry Deadine: November 23, 2009 ($4.95 each) |
Photographer's Forum Magazine Serbin Communications, Inc. email: admin@serbin.com |